Custom Applications to Assist Our Clients
As experts in ClickSoftware, Diabsolut often develops applications to assist our clients. These application accelerators streamline the utility of ClickSoftware and smooth integrations with other internal systems. Here you’ll find a host of handy apps for ClickMobile, ClickSchedule and Tools—from customer notifications to safety alerts to appointment booking.
Our Suite of ClickMobile Add-Ons
Ensures only one assignment is active at a time.
Easy signature capture for every attachment.
Automate and simplify technician data entry, reducing errors, improving consistency and accuracy of system information.
Improve customer engagement with real-time, personalized reports relating to completed work which are automatically emailed upon job completion.
Organize and prioritize work orders effectively based on their completion status.
Increase technician efficiency by eliminating the need to manually navigate websites.
Easily use ClickMobile with the AirWatch browser.
Seamless file attachment for IE11 users.
Ensure a smooth user experience, avoid technical glitches and keep your field workers on track.
Ensures safety of your workers by providing emergency assistance at the touch of a button.
Increase visibility of captured customer signatures across your organization.
Efficient work order organization that ensures consistent procedures are followed to address special work order cases.
Status change made easy with the click of a button. Reduce the time wasted by technicians selecting information from a drop-down list.
Eliminates user error by helping technicians know how the field is used.
Effective organization for forms. Free up valuable resources by reducing the time and effort used to create and manage forms.
Ensure your lone workers’ safety by providing a dispatcher alert should the technician not return to ClickMobile before the countdown timer expires.
Save the current timestamp to a user-defined property automatically whenever a specified status transition is triggered.
Easily capture GPS coordinates into latitude and longitude fields.
Select multiple dictionary items and save them in a multi-value in Service Optimization.
Overrides Google’s routing services for Power Map and requests routing from Spectrum GIS instead.
Our Suite of ClickSchedule Add-Ons
Simplifies the process of re-booking customer appointments.
Improves visibility and control of your resources by simplifying the management of capacity limits.
Clearer visibility and improved management of resource capacity.
Simple duplication of non-availability assignments for multiple users.
Increase technician efficiency by eliminating the need to manually navigate websites.
Allows users to easily export data to Excel.
Manage schedules efficiently with improved visibility of resources.
Update fields of multiple technicians or tasks within a single user interface in one pass.
Simplify the creation of rotating shifts.
Creates an optimized Gantt and schedule view which reduces manual intervention by dispatchers and schedulers.
Streamline processes with electronic work order completion reports emailed directly to the customer.
Provides signature visbility within ClickSchedule.
Optimize resources by splitting work.
Don’t miss important alerts! Improved visibility means dispatchers react more quickly to alerts.
Make life easier and more efficient for dispatchers and schedulers with simple web access.
Free up time for dispatchers and schedulers with simple, automatic calendar creation.
Our Suite of Tool Accelerators
Increase technician productivity and reduce repeat customer visits due to no-shows.
Improve accuracy of data and minimize the need for manual interventions.
Easily manipulate data and reduce the time to import bulk data within the Service Optimization Suite.
Ensure your customer and organization data is safe and complies with privacy and security policies.
Enables seamless integration with