Salesforce Lightning Transition


Lightning Transition

Why Transition?

In the spring of 2019, Salesforce announced it would be turning on Lightning Experience starting in January 2020. What does this mean for Salesforce Classic users? Although there isn’t an end date for Salesforce Classic, Salesforce Lightning will be their focus going forward.

Specifically, this means updates will now be for Lightning, not the older system. Therefore, organizations that don’t make the transition from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning may be left behind.

Why is Salesforce making the transition? Above all, they want their systems to provide the best end user experience possible. As a result, Salesforce Lightning was developed to provide a fresh, intuitive experience for their clients.

What this means for your business.

Moving to Salesforce Lightning opens up a world of new possibilities. It’s a CRM system that allows for an overall richer user experience. For example, data is shown visually.  Therefore, the user no longer has to rely on looking only at numbers.

Additionally, Salesforce Lightning offers even more customization options. Our experts at Diabsolut can set up Salesforce Lightning to provide you with:

  • Greater efficiency.
  • Better tools.
  • More flexibility.
  • Smarter views.
  • Easier navigation and usability.
  • Forward focused lightning support.

Making the right move, the right way.

At the top of our list is making your Salesforce Lightning migration a complete team effort. With this in mind, we work to ensure Salesforce Lightning is giving you an optimized experience, at a good value, and with room for your business to grow. Working together, with our expertise, we are able to customize the system to meet your organization’s unique needs.

At the top of our list is making your Salesforce Lightning migration a complete team effort. With this in mind, we work to ensure Salesforce Lightning is giving you an optimized experience, at a good value, and with room for your business to grow. Working together, with our expertise, we are able to customize the system to meet your organization’s unique needs.

We offer transition packages, which include:

People Management on Platform

Allow our experts to help you focus forward by transitioning to Salesforce Lightning.